Health, Happiness and Joy - Parker Practice

Health, Happiness and Joy

With last week’s news of a second lockdown taking place across the UK, I wanted to write to you to tell you to remove the pressure from yourself.

During the next month, you should take each day as it comes as this makes it seem a little less scary. I always tell my clients that to achieve successful results, the first thing to focus on is your health, happiness and joy. I know that the current restrictions may make this first step harder however here at Louise Parker, we are ready to be by your side and help you bring elements of health and joy into your life.

Removing the pressure to maintain an equally as healthy lifestyle during lockdown compared to a regular day will benefit your mental state, as this pressure can increase feelings of anxiety within you. For example, by reducing this pressure you will be more likely to maintain a balanced diet without cutting foods out in a dramatic way leading to huge cravings.

Seeing as our usual daily structures has shifted so much, it is important to keep a form of rhythm throughout your day to ensure that you keep grounded – Define your simple pleasures and weave them throughout your week so that you have little pops of joy to look forward to.For me this involves being surrounded by my family and taking time out of the day to read a book and have a bath.

I also understand that with so much going on we may have more on our minds and fitting in exercise may feel like another less urgent thing to worry about. However, this is why it is more important to exercise than ever – moving our bodies releases feel-good hormones, boosting our mood and making us feel more focused. A few of my favourite ways to move while still at home are yoga and stretching or a lunchtime walk. However please don’t be upset if you let your structure slip slightly during this time – it’s normal, it happens to all of us I promise, and there is always tomorrow to start again.

If you’re able to remove this pressure and simply focus on your own health, happiness and joy, the outcome will take care of itself.

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